
Marine Mammal Medical Funding

The Wags and Menace Make a Difference Foundation works to rescue, rehabilitate, and release marine mammals back to the wild, helping endangered species of sea turtles, seals, brown pelicans, and other marine wildlife around the world. At times, that entails Cindy Lee bottle-feeding sick and abandoned yearling seal pups “herring smoothies,” and nursing them back to health. “Between pollution and global warming, the mother seals are going farther and farther out to sea, leaving their pups behind,” Lee says. “I know that these are wild creatures and I can’t connect with them, but I can help heal them.”

Marine Mammal Medical Funding Volunteer Trips

Not only does the Wags and Menace Make a Difference Foundation fund marine mammal medical care around the world. Founder Cindy Lee also volunteers her time each year in California working with marine wildlife. “I have been certified with many marine orthopedic vets in the ICU, assisting with around-the-clock emergency care for several species of seals in the region,” Lee says, noting her frequent 12-hour shifts of bottle-feeding very sick, orphaned seals “herring smoothies,” a nutritious blend of fish, medications, and immune-building supplements. “Once they are nursed back to health, they are put in small groups for fish school,” Lee says. “ I’ve been doing this for many years and feel blessed to help out wherever I can.”

In addition, the Wags and Menace Make a Difference Foundation helps endangered species of sea turtles, brown pelicans, and other marine wildlife worldwide. To help support these programs visit our How To Help page.